The primary types of ingredients that are common in many dietary supplements that must be avoided by a pregnant woman include: vitamin A, ephedrine, and caffeine. 主要类型的成分是在许多营养补充剂中是常见的,孕妇必须避免,包括:维生素A,麻黄素,及咖啡因。
I had not been long in Hertfordshire, before I saw, in common with others, that Bingley preferred your elder sister to any other young woman in the country. 我到哈福德郡不久,就和别人一样,看出了彬格莱先生在当地所有的少女中偏偏看中了令姐。
He will also be rejected if he isn't nice to people, doesn't appear to earn enough and if he has nothing in common with the woman. 此外,对人不够友善、看起来赚得不多、没有共同语言也是男人被拒绝的原因。
But the two cases share a common, troubling thread: neighbors, police officers, and even the medical establishment may be more likely to overlook glaringly suspicious behavior when the perpetrator of that behavior is a woman. 然而这两起案件有一个共同点,那就是无论是邻居,警察,甚至医学工作者,都非常容易忽视那些原本是非常明显的可疑行为&而这仅仅是因为犯罪者是女性。
What could I possibly have in common with that woman? 我跟那个女人能有什么共同点呢?
And a curiosity: this behaviour was substantially more common when the mystery shopper was a woman. 另外,有趣的是:如果神秘顾客是女性,发生这种情况的几率会大为提高。
Nowadays, the common woman goes too. 如今,它也是普通女人的纪念碑。
A common sight in Hong Kong is the business man or woman standing on the street, or hurrying along the footpath, talking into a cellphone or mobile phone. 在香港最常见的街景是做生意的男男女女伫立街头或急步走在人行道上时对着手提机或移动电话交谈。
Cervical cancer, one of the most common cancers in woman, is closely associated with human papilloma virus ( HPV) infection. 子宫颈癌为妇女最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,其与人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)密切相关。
It is a common aphorism that a woman usually has black magic or hidden weapon when she goes into battle. “女子上阵多邪术暗器”是常见警句。女将往往暗藏着神奇的宝贝兵器,以弥补性别劣势。
It is becoming more common for a British woman to keep her maiden name after getting married. 英国妇女在婚后保留自己姓氏的做法正变得越来越普遍。
Mike: Qipao ( Chinese-styled long gown) is a common dress for a woman. 迈克:旗袍(中国式长袍)是一种普通女装。
What all the stories have in common is that they claim to be worried about the health of the woman in question. 悉数这些故事的合营点便是它们都声称自己是在关注女性的康健题目。
Historically, at common law, a married woman was regarded as having no contractual capacity. 历史上,按照普通法,已婚妇女没有缔约能力。
Money, drugs and beautiful women appear to have something in common when it comes to young men: The sight of a beautiful woman triggers virtually the same brain response in men as cocaine and cash do. 金钱、毒品和美女,这三者有何相同之处?很简单,她们和它们都能激发年青男子大脑中的同一条感应中枢。
You've become nothing more than a common woman. 你变成一个平凡女子。
The next most common infection was chlamydia, caused by a bacterium that can damage a woman's reproductive organs. 另一个最常见的感染是衣原体感染,它是一种可损害女性的生殖器官的细菌。
Perimenopausal Syndrome ( PMS) is a common and multiple disease in woman's transition period from middle age to old age. 围绝经期综合征(PMS)是妇女从中年到老年过渡时期的常见病、多发病。
On the Common Aesthetics of Woman Literature of Racial Minorities 试论少数族裔女性文学的审美共通性&以自传体小说《笼中鸟为何歌唱》为例
The following are some common symbols: woman symbol, famous star symbol and authority symbol. 女性符号、明星符号、权威符号便是常用的手段。
Conclusions With development of economy, it is important to intensify education of nutrition; prevention and cure of common diseases for children; and to improve woman's knowledge about health care. 【结论】应积极开展营养健康教育,加强儿童常见病的防治,提高孕妇和乳母的保健知识。
According to the common law, noblewomen enjoyed comprehensive rights on land inheritance in medieval England, and the period before Conquest is often regarded as the Golden Age for woman by historians. 在中世纪的英格兰,贵族妇女根据普通法在不动产继承方面享有广泛权利,此前的盎格鲁&撒克逊时代更是被史家称为妇女的黄金时代。
The mycotic vaginitis is in the feminine vaginitis the most common one kind, occurs in the puberty to the menopause ahead of time woman. 霉菌性阴道炎是女性阴道炎中最常见的一种,多发生于青春期到绝经期前的妇女。
Cervical cancer ranks second only to breast cancer as the most common malignant tumor among the woman all over the world, and its mortality once occupied the first place in the woman malignant tumor. 宫颈癌是全球妇女恶性肿瘤中仅次于乳腺癌的第二位最常见的恶性肿瘤,其死亡率曾一度高居妇女恶性肿瘤的首位。
The common theme of his mid-term poetry is the death of a beautiful woman. 坡的中期诗歌创作主题几乎都是美女之死。
Two people have no common purpose of rape, they rape the same woman. 二人无共同强奸故意先后对同一被害妇女实施强奸。
In the part of the relationship between wives are more common in the tang dynasty is discussed jealous woman issues and the resulting criminal cases. 在妻妾关系的部分,则探讨比较常见的唐代妒妇问题以及由此引发的刑事案件。
Stress urinary incontinence ( SUI) is a common problem in woman. It will decent the patients 'life quality and damage their physical and mental health. The incidence rate of the disease lifts with age increasing. 女性压力性尿失禁(StressUrinaryIncontinence,SUI)是一种常见疾病,其发生率随妇女年龄的增加而增加,影响妇女的生活质量和身心健康。